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  • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

    Originally posted by AnewKINDofFEELING View Post
    I love the feeling. Alcohol can be fun, too, but the vomitting and vehicular homicide dissuade me.

    AnewKINDofFEELING added 6 Minutes and 3 Seconds later...

    Then what about alcohol? It IS physically addictive. It IS intoxicating.

    Sorry, but the war on drugs is simply a war on human choice.

    Also, I get so fucking sick of people implying that drugs are bad, but Budweiser is a good beer. ALCOHOL IS A DRUG, you fucking wankers.

    Completely agreed.

    IKnockStuffDown added 6 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

    Alcohol and Tobacco are both more dangerous than marijuana. Therefore alcohol and tobacco should be outlawed. This is very implausible, as we've seen from the alcohol prohibition of 1920-1933. The legalization and taxation of controlled substances is much less dangerous and much more profitable for the government than prosecuting those who abuse illegal substances.

    If marijuana was legalized and taxed, that would get rid of a portion of the "war on drugs" and create another income (which will more than likely be very large) for the government.

    IKnockStuffDown added 6 Minutes and 8 Seconds later...

    also here's a link of interest:

    I don't know why this is in the google video/youtube thread, lol.

    Originally posted by Knifeboy
    seeing how i'm a pompous asshole, AND a rapist.. Do you really have to ask?


    • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

      Originally posted by IKnockStuffDown View Post
      I don't know why this is in the google video/youtube thread, lol.
      I posted that Barry Cooper video and it got the ball rolling.
      I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
      I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
      A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
      To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


      • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

        and if there's one thing the people here love talking about, it's marijuana


        • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

          Originally posted by AnewKINDofFEELING View Post
          Then what about alcohol? It IS physically addictive. It IS intoxicating.
          Yeah, it's the same thing. Safer for you body? Sure. Safer to drive on? Fuck that.

          That's the issue I take with it. People wanna cry foul on alcohol and say that weed is no different, but they drive high. They go to work high. They take care of their kids high. Yeah, great, you can handle yourself. I don't care, that's not how the world works, get over it.

          A guy has a shot of whiskey every morning, he's got a problem. A guy wakes and bakes every morning... and what? Nothing? It's the same shit. And don't even get started with "you can't get addicted" bullshit. I've seen some pathetic motherfuckers looking for a joint they lost, just freaking out cause their last bit of weed went missing and now they have to go out and get more. A mental addiction is still an addiction.

          Look, this really doesn't upset me as much as it sounds. Like I said, I know a few people that smoke and do it pretty fucking responsibly. One works are the NUMMI plant out here and he never smokes at work. Never drives high. Never smokes near his kid or is high near his kid.

          However, from experience, I've known more loser ass potheads than I have smokers. It's California, man. We're cocky here... and weed, just like alcohol, breeds stupidity. There are responsible drinkers and responsible smokers. And then the idiots... I just lump them together, pot, beer, whatever... all idiots.

          Maybe it's different elsewhere... but here? Fuck, man.


          • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

            Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
            That's the issue I take with it. People wanna cry foul on alcohol and say that weed is no different, but they drive high. They go to work high. They take care of their kids high. Yeah, great, you can handle yourself. I don't care, that's not how the world works, get over it.
            That's because those people are irresponsible. They would be irresponsible without pot. And PLENTY of people take care of their kids while drinking. Hell, many of them beat the shit out of their kids. No one is calling for pot to be totally uncontrolled. It will always be a controlled substance, as it should be, but people should not be spending months and years in jail and losing their livelihoods for smoking.

            Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
            A guy has a shot of whiskey every morning, he's got a problem. A guy wakes and bakes every morning... and what? Nothing? It's the same shit. And don't even get started with "you can't get addicted" bullshit. I've seen some pathetic motherfuckers looking for a joint they lost, just freaking out cause their last bit of weed went missing and now they have to go out and get more. A mental addiction is still an addiction.
            Those people are weak minded individuals. I have friends like that. I also know people that get off of work and purchase a tall can at the first store they pass.

            The point about addiction is that I could stop smoking today without hesitation. I may be more irritable than usual (when I could legally go to the doctor and be prescribed a FAR more dangerous drug to take care of the anxiety). However, Xanax makes me groggy all day and I will happily shrug off work when taking it. That said, I would not go through withdrawals (unless I was taking xanax regularly and stopped).

            Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
            Look, this really doesn't upset me as much as it sounds. Like I said, I know a few people that smoke and do it pretty fucking responsibly. One works are the NUMMI plant out here and he never smokes at work. Never drives high. Never smokes near his kid or is high near his kid.
            So, I guess it's safe to say that you think your friend should be thrown in jail.

            Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
            However, from experience, I've known more loser ass potheads than I have smokers. It's California, man. We're cocky here... and weed, just like alcohol, breeds stupidity. There are responsible drinkers and responsible smokers. And then the idiots... I just lump them together, pot, beer, whatever... all idiots.

            Maybe it's different elsewhere... but here? Fuck, man.
            The problem that I have with your reasoning is that you seem to be blaming the drug for the idiot. Those people were idiots before drugs. They will be idiots without drugs. Not just that, but they will find drugs. Hell, give them a can of duster and watch them go. It seems like a better idea would be to outlaw stupidity.
            I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
            I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
            A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
            To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


            • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

              i think all of you and none of you are right.



              • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

                Originally posted by noclevername View Post
                i think all of you and none of you are right.
                No, only I am right. If someone agrees with me, they are less wrong.
                I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

                  Originally posted by AnewKINDofFEELING View Post
                  That's because those people are irresponsible. They would be irresponsible without pot. And PLENTY of people take care of their kids while drinking. Hell, many of them beat the shit out of their kids. No one is calling for pot to be totally uncontrolled. It will always be a controlled substance, as it should be, but people should not be spending months and years in jail and losing their livelihoods for smoking.

                  Those people are weak minded individuals. I have friends like that. I also know people that get off of work and purchase a tall can at the first store they pass.

                  The point about addiction is that I could stop smoking today without hesitation. I may be more irritable than usual (when I could legally go to the doctor and be prescribed a FAR more dangerous drug to take care of the anxiety). However, Xanax makes me groggy all day and I will happily shrug off work when taking it. That said, I would not go through withdrawals (unless I was taking xanax regularly and stopped).
                  Great, you're not addicted. Congratulations.

                  So, I guess it's safe to say that you think your friend should be thrown in jail.
                  How did you get that?

                  The problem that I have with your reasoning is that you seem to be blaming the drug for the idiot. Those people were idiots before drugs. They will be idiots without drugs. Not just that, but they will find drugs. Hell, give them a can of duster and watch them go. It seems like a better idea would be to outlaw stupidity.
                  Agreed, sort of. Drugs make some people stupid. Not everyone. Not even a lot. Some. I recognize that it's not everyone.

                  We agree on almost everything. We're just on different sides of the same coin. You were reading things that weren't there. I'm not pleading the case for alcohol. I think punishments for reckless use of alcohol should be harsher. I haven't been drunk in over a year. I'm just saying what you basically said. If you're going to say that pot is no worse or better than alcohol, you have to hold it to the same standards. A lot of people don't.

                  But it's OK. I'm willing to concede here so that this topic can get back on track. Sorry for derailing things again.
                  Last edited by Gnomad; December 17, 2008, 09:11 AM.


                  • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

                    Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
                    We agree on almost everything. We're just on different sides of the same coin. You were reading things that weren't there. I'm not pleading the case for alcohol. I think punishments for reckless use of alcohol should be harsher. I haven't been drunk in over a year. I'm just saying what you basically said. If you're going to say that pot is no worse or better than alcohol, you have to hold it to the same standards. A lot of people don't.

                    But it's OK. I'm willing to concede here so that this topic can get back on track. Sorry for derailing things again.
                    As long as people are spending more time in jail for simple possession than 3rd offence DUI, our country will never be just.

                    I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                    I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                    A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                    To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                    • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...



                      • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

                        I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                        I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                        A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                        To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                        • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...



                          • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

                            Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
                            I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                            I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                            A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                            To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                            • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

                              Is kinda cool.
                              We'll fuck standing and we'll fuck then lying, if they had wings we'll fuck them flying, when they are dead and long forgotten we'll dig them up and fuck them rotten.
                              Originally posted by auto-de-fe
                              happy birthday, you bastard of bastards.


                              • Re: Best of Google Video and YouTube...

                                Originally posted by BuddyGoodness View Post
                                Is kinda cool.
                                I think with a new musical selection, and a little pot, that video could be premium.
                                I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                                I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                                A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                                To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd

